HAPPY NEW YEAR – how happy is it if you work in DEI?

Many of today’s LinkedIn posts are expressing fear and upset at the news that two US giants Meta and Amazon are cutting back on their DEI programmes and that some staff have already been made redundant. Some people say they are leaving Facebook and WhatsApp in protest in much the same way as those that dislike Musk left X (formerly Twitter) and went to BlueSky. That is a personal decision and totally up to them.  But those who work in DEI have to confront a more substantive dilemma.

A breeze that began a year or two ago has gathered strength and as we enter 2025 the wind of change is strong. The times they are a -changing and DEI is already undergoing a radical shift. Most companies will put up a metaphorical finger and reposition themselves in the direction of the leading companies. That leaves all those who work in DEI with a dilemma. When and where to stand firm?

Explanations for the cut backs  given by Amazon include “we are winding down outdated programs and materials related to representation and inclusion,” and “the term ‘DEI’ has also become charged, in part because it is understood by some as a practice that suggests preferential treatment of some groups over others”.

At Facebook misgendering is no longer considered  no longer a policy violation. In a statement Mark Zugerberg said that controlling speech had gone to far.  For detail in the policy changes there is an excellent analysis here

Meta, fresh off  its announcement to end factchecking, follows Amazon, McDonald’s and Walmart in rolling back diversity initiatives, effective immediately.

We don’t have to search long and hard to see that these companies are preparing the way for a closer relationship with Donald Trump, who has on many an occasion made clear his views of DEI. A closer reading of the statements though show that the intention to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace remains but the approach has changed. Not such a good headline though!

While we are not on the cusp of having a right-wing leader like Trump in our own country, on the issue of equality and diversity we have always taken our lead from the US – both in approach and language and this time will be no different. However we also have our own internal calls for change.

Challenges to ‘accepted progressive’  DEI approaches to transgenderism, race and religion are often met with accusations of  being ‘right wing’ – which stifles and silences as it intends to rather than engages with the criticism. If the accuser is more careful they may use the term ‘anti woke’ – in itself meant to be a slur when in reality it is often received as a compliment! Even the CIPD leadership said in a foreword to the latest annual report “We’re responding to the ‘anti-woke’ pushback , helping membership….” It may have been more helpful to engage with the pushback rather than dismiss it.

The growing number of tribunal cases being brought where DEI has gone wrong and led to discrimination of an employee is testament to the fact that that not all critiques of DEI are confined to ‘right wing’ commentators. Something is wrong. The cases are a symptom not the cause.

Following the ground breaking Forstater case in 2019  which made gender-critical beliefs a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010,  the cases have come thick and fast and the complainants are winning –  Phoenix v Open University (2024), Fahmy v Arts Council (2023), Meade v Westminster City Council and Social Work England(2023).. and only last week Bird v Liberal Democrats (2025)

The latest and perhaps most important case has already led to promised changes in policy by the Civil Service.

In this case Eleanor Frances, former employee  received £116,000 from two departments , Dept for Culture Media and Sport and Department for Science Innovation and Technology for discrimination and unfair dismissal due to her gender critical beliefs. Both departments had been advised by Stonewall.  Immediately in response to this decision civil servants will no longer be labelled “transphobic” for expressing gender-critical beliefs under new  Civil Service guidelines.

My general DEI Advice for 2025 and beyond

The term DEI that is now associated by some with negative practices may disappear but good practices will continue and new names will emerge.

Continue your strategy to foster an inclusive culture, identifying barriers and tailoring policies to remove them and where possible use data – both to identify specific issues and to show impact after taking action.  Always tie in proposed policies to the business needs. Celebrate successes.

Ensure all employees are mindful of differences, and that they can learn from one another, emphasising our common humanity rather than a hierarchy of identities

Revisit the language you are using in DEI and depoliticise it. This the workplace not a student campus – out with cis, equity, misgendering, neo-colonial, microaggression, compelled pronouns.  All employees must be comfortable using diversity terms, not just younger graduates.

Be very clear about the law – it changes all the time via case law. Court cases are costly and damage reputation.

Choose any training carefully.  Some lawyers are now recommending training in gender critical beliefs and freedom of speech.

Leadership should not be held to ransom by younger more politicised employees. If you as a senior leader do not understand the issues it is your duty to learn about them.

Depoliticise you staff networks – these networks should work as support for employees and a conduit to feed into company policy.

Leave Stonewall schemes and cut back on flags, parades and special days. Focus on the material and practical not the ideological.